INFOTECH GATEWAY members will be a true product aggregator supporting all small and medium travel agency to be part of this fast growing online business. Using technology as a tool to further serve their customers more effectively with saving of contracting cost and human resources


With daily increasing cost and business competition in travel online business both for OTA and technology provider, 11Infotech will strives hard to improve our quality of our networking amongst 11Infotech members, reduce cost and increase product availability through xml connection. This solution called INFOTECH GATEWAY [Multi Supplier Platform] and comes with the most sophisticated and updated xml connection philosophy with all features

The main function of INFOTECH GATEWAY [Multi Supplier Platform] - is to allow you to connect to sell your products through this platform to our two new online distribution solution - INFOTECH B2B LITE [b2b] and INFOTECH B2C Switch. With just a simple click command action and detailed effective way to conduct online business.